TAST 2012

I have always wanted to do a crazy quilt. I have admired them in books and at a quilt shows, but I was always a little daunted with all the embroidery. Then I came upon the TAST 2012 challenge. I did not notice until the beginning of March, so I first had to catch up on the first 10 Tuesday challenges. Then I had to learn how to create a blog - talk about a crazy steep learning curve!

I decided to use Sharon's idea of a Stitching Band Sampler - this way I can refer to the stitches when I finally get to do a crazy quilt.  

I want to thank Sharon for creating this challenge and to all the wonderful embroiderers out there who examples I have tried to emulate.

Week 1:  Fly Stitch
Week 2:  Buttonhold Stitch
Week 3:  Feather Stitch

Week 4:  Cretan Stitch

Week 5:  Herringbone Stitch

Week 6:  Chevron Stitch

Week 7:  Detached Chain Stitch

Week 8:  Chain Stitch

Week 9:  Couching Stitch

Week 10:  Running Stitch

1 comment:

Faith said...

A lot of catching up all at once. Very nice.